

Publisher Shtepia Qëndrore e krijimtarise popullore, Tirana
Edition vol. 1,2 & 3 , 1980
Format 16,5 x 22,5 cm
Pages vol.1 187 pages, vol.2 219 pages, vol.3 220 pages
Illustrations Sketches of stage positions
Availability no longer available

The three volumes Koreografia of which vol. 3 has the year 1980, while the others have 1983 and 1984 (Obvious reprints), contain descriptions of choreographies created by several choreographers based upon traditonal folk dances.
Most of the choreographies show the steps,form, style and stage positions as well as background information about the choreography and the musical scores.
Some choreographies have just the musical scores and no description. There are also a few articles, one about the development of staged folk dances and one on the authenticity of the folk dress.

Most of the choreographies (if not all) have been executed by the national ensemble for folk songs and dances (AKKVP).
The choreographers are or were well-known, like Ramazan Bogdani, Skender Selimi, Zeki Kastrati and not to forget Panajot Kanaçi.

All in Albanian language.