Nga Tradita Tek e Ardhmja

Album me veshje të traditës dhe stilizime

Authors: Karakaçi, Valbona - Cungu, Maxhid - Jahja, Ermira - Onuzi, Afërdita

Publisher Onufri
ISBN/EAN 9992753609
Edition 2005, Tirana
Format 21 x 27 cm
Pages 68
Illustrations 45 full colour, full page illustrations, photographs and drawings
Availability Hard to find
Price indication ALL 1,000 (approx. EUR 7.22 / USD 9.08)

"From the tradition to the future" shows the most prominent folk costumes of the Shkodra region. It serves as a catalogue to the costumes in 30 pages of full colour photographs of complete costumes and parts to promote the love and care for these, followed by 15 pages of modern designed garments by Ermira Jahja in drawings, based on elements taken from the original traditional costumes.
The description of the costumes and the remarks by Afërdita Onuzi together with the perfect photographs makes it a valuable book for those interested in the costumes of the Shkodra region and on the other hand is serves as an inspiration for fashion designers to use the designs and motivs from the traditional costumes in modern designs.